Our sports and exercise day care centre
is a facility of the Sportclub Alstertal-Langenhorn e.V.
It supplements the health-oriented
Sports and exercise offer of our club.
Lüttkoppel 1, 22335 Hamburg, Tel.: 300 62 99-303,
e-mail: kita@scala-sportclub.de

Our association has been running a sports day care centre for over 25 years. In August 2013, we moved into the new building on the Lüttkoppel. It now offers space for three groups and also much better opportunities for exercise than before. Under the pedagogical direction of Birgit Hartmann and Sabrina Kramp as well as another twelve pedagogical specialists, the children are looked after there daily from approx. 7:00 to 16:30: The crèche area (1-3 years) comprises approx. 20 children and the elementary area (3-6 years) approx. 50 children.
Our Kindergarten is state-approved and is subsidised according to income.

A special focus of our work is the promotion of development through regular exercise. The aim is to create play situations in which basic movement experiences can be gained. We promote the health, emotional, intellectual and social development of the children entrusted to us. The children should learn to assess their own abilities and solve conflicts independently by acting together with other children.
„Movement is life – movement is learning.“ Our children learn through their own actions. They want to discover, explore and shape the world. They set out, want to „understand, conquer, climb“, experience themselves in their environment and thus experience themselves and the reality through their bodies.
Exercise promotes the physical and psychosocial development of the child.
In addition to our daily movement work, „guided movement education“ is held twice a week in our large sports hall in the Lüttkoppel by our sports teacher. In addition, the elementary children (2 groups up to a maximum of 24 children) visit a swimming pool every two weeks. Furthermore, sensory exercises in the form of movement are trained once a week in small groups.
These instructions are to be understood in terms of motivation, support and impulse. Here the children learn basic skills and abilities for their movement development.
In addition to physical education, the general day care programme for children with different learning areas and different objectives is of course also applied in our work. The artistic design and the musical-rhythmic education are of great importance. In both methods, fine and gross motor skills are developed and the senses as well as sensitivity and thus sensomotoric coordination are trained.
Through contact with the primary school close to us, we often receive feedback after the children we look after have started school that they have a particularly great experience of movement. Through intensive parent-teacher meetings, which take place at least once a year and as needed, the children’s different behaviours are discussed with the respective parents and, if necessary, conspicuous features are discussed and possible solutions are worked out.
Unfortunately, we cannot put any more children on the waiting lists until the end of 2020.